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Growing Goji Berries

Growing goji berries is not as hard as you might think it would be. Once they are established, you hardly need to worry about them at all. Here we will try to provide you with as much information as possible about how to grow goji berries and goji berry cultivation in general.

Goji berries grow in almost all kinds of soil, even in soils with heavy clay. If you want goji berry plants to flourish and fruit best, you should grow them in a well-drained yet moderate quality soil.

Goji berry seeds also require water and sunlight but only a little. Too much sunlight might cause them not to germinate appropriately. Goji berries are amazing as they can withstand temperatures of -26 degrees Celsius (equivalent to -15 degrees Fahrenheit). Transferring from pots to outside is also not that much an issue. As long as you have the space and that it gets a lot of sunlight, your goji berries are good to go.

The soil that you are growing the goji berries in should always be kept moist up until the seeds germinate, then decrease the watering and allow the soil to dry up till you water again. If possible avoid using chemicals or pesticides to the plant or to the soil where you will be planting the Goji seeds. You'll be amazed at the beauty of the flowers that goji berries have.

It is highly recommended to plant goji berries outside if the climate is suitable but growing them in pots is also not a problem. If goji berries are grown in pots (indoors), you might want to make sure that is has good enough drainage.

Use organic fertilizer as much as possible as they contain the nutrients these plants need. Providing goji berries with chemical fertilizer should be avoided as they contain no nutrients and you might not get the desired outcome you wanted.

Remember that goji berries also need the nutrients in the soil to produce the nutritious fruit it is known for.

You also need to make a little patch in growing goji berries whether indoors or outdoors. Regular potting is also needed and a lot organic matter would really be beneficial for growing the goji berries.

Although goji berries are somewhat tolerant to a fair drought, these plants like moist soil. So you should be frequently watering these goji plants. You must wait for its soil to dry before watering it a little again.

If you grow them in pots, you also need to change some of the soil every year as goji berries eat the nutrients in soil. But you don't have to worry much in giving these plants organic materials as most of the substances it needs to grow and bear fruit is provided in the air and sunlight.

As the fruit bears and ripens, the rewards of the hardwork you did towards your goji cultivation will be worth it.

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